
Rescheduling an outdoors portrait session due to bad weather

  1. We will reschedule your session to a new date/time in the case of bad weather such as rain, hail, excessive heat, excessive cold and strong wind. It is often necessary to make the final call on weather only a couple of hours before the session, because weather can change quite suddenly. We ask our families to trust our experience when it comes to the weather, and rest assured that we desire a positive outcome for every family portrait experience.

  2. Because weather interruptions are a reality for outdoors work, we reserve specific weekend spots every month for sessions we might have to reschedule. If your session has to be rescheduled because of bad weather, we will offer these spots to you first. If reserve dates aren’t appropriate for you, we will offer you any available spots we have within 2 weeks of your original booking. We ask for flexibility from you should this happen, as there is a good chance we are managing multiple families in the same situation at the same time, and there is always a domino effect.

  1. Rescheduling a portrait session or purchasing appointment due to emergency, illness or other circumstances

    1. Should you need to cancel your portrait session or purchasing appointment due to an unexpected personal emergency or illness, We will reschedule your booking to a new date/time with no fee.

    2. Should you need to cancel your portrait session or purchasing appointment for other reasons, We will reschedule your booking to a new date/time with no fee, provided you give us a minimum of 14 days notice for a portrait session and 7 days notice for a purchasing appointment. This gives us the opportunity to fill your spot with another family. If you do not give us these notice periods, or if you cancel your portrait session or purchasing appointment more than once (regardless of notice period), hmjphotography reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of $150.

    3. In the case of any reschedule, we ask families to please be flexible with their availability, as we will not have the same range of spots to choose from as when the original booking was made. We will communicate with you promptly regarding new dates/times.

    4. We require your rescheduled session or appointment to be finalised within 7 days of your original booking (regardless of when the new session or appointment will take place). We do not allow rescheduled sessions or appointments to be left ‘pending’, unless there are extenuating circumstances. If you do not finalise your rescheduled session or appointment within 7 days, we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee of $100.

  2. Refunds

    1. If you have paid a sitting fee and you decide not to continue with your booking for any reason, a refund will only be given if you cancel with a minimum of two weeks notice. Deposits are non refundable. Any special, deal or voucher are non refundable.


  1. (A) A 50% deposit of selected package is required to secure the clients booking. This fee guarantees the Client the agreed date and time of service which HmjPhotography is obliged to provide. (b) This is non refundable or transferable in the event of client cancellation. (c) If the client wishes to reschedule their original booking and hmjPhotography have availability, then the Client will not lose their deposit. However if hmjphotography are not available for the clients rescheduled date, and a mutually agreed date can not be agreed on, then the client is not entitled to any refund.